Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Ten must have Plex Channels

By on 2:46 pm

Plex media server

The media server solution called Plex has given consumers a wide variety of choices when it comes to entertainment. Along with streaming your DVD's and photos, Plex also gives us the option of viewing various channels. However, with all these channels available it can be frustrating sometimes to find something really good to watch. So, with this in mind, let's take a look at some of the best that Plex has to offer.

First up is CBS. Yes, this station can be seen per the usual setup, but if you're really serious about a cord cutter setup, then streaming this channel over Plex is quite useful. You could catch up with all your local and international news and programs. Other stations such as ABC and NBC also provide some of the same things so it's really up to you to decide if you want to watch one of these channels or all.

Next on the list is National Geographic. This is of course the quintessential science programming channel. Whether its animals,plants or science related, this station has it all. As with CBS above, you could also get this station through normal channels, but it is nice to set up the plex server to replace the traditional methods.

Let's move on to YouTube. The premier video streaming solution online certainly must be on  everyone's list. An interesting fact here is that the Roku, a set top box that Plex can connect to, does not natively support Youtube. Roku have stated however, that they are considering adding Youtube as part of their channel lineup so we might see this in the future.

Since we've just covered YouTube, let's move on to Devour. This dark sounding channel simply analyzes YouTube to discover the most popular videos on the site right now. Perfect for those who always like to be on top of things with respect to video.

Along with the best video content, you'll want to have great music also. This is where Pitchfork Tv comes in. Yes, another witch trial type name but it does a good job at providing quality music videos for your enjoyment.

Of course, no streaming solution would be complete without a sports channel. This is where ESPN comes into play. The premier sports provider can be streamed via Plex so you won't have any problems catching the big game.

Another channel I find engaging is Ted. It' s always great to tune in and  see society's top thinkers discuss the major issues at hand.

If you're a fan of Restaurant Impossible like I am, then you will definitely want to have this next channel in your lineup. The Food Network channel can also be streamed via Plex. Whether it's Giada,  Bobby or Elton you won't miss a thing with this channel.

For the redditor's among us, Reddit can be viewed through the Plex server also. One of the top technology websites around, Reddit encourages discussion of today's major news stories.

Finally we have Netflix. You can easily stream any movie from your own home by installing this channel to your Plex server. A must for the movie buffs among us.

Ok guys, that's it for this post. Even though I only listed ten stations here, there are thousands more to choose from so you will definitely never be lacking for options when it comes to Plex. If you have a favorite station please let us know in the comment section below.

*Image courtesy Sea Grape

About Frank Cern

I have been involved with technology for many years and I love to blog about the newest tech related issues.