Monday, 22 September 2014

Google Crusher: Private Blog Networks

Hi guys. It's been a while I've just been so busy lately. So, what's new in SEO these days? Well, at this point in time what's working is something called private blog networks. Some of you may be familiar...

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Duplicate Content and Google: Matt Cutts Discusses what you need to know

We've all heard of the duplicate content penalty, but what is it really? In this interesting video from Google's head of webspam Matt Cutts, he explains some of the nuances regarding duplicate content....

Friday, 15 November 2013

Guest Post: Creating Content that Drives Traffic to your Mobile Site

With Google’s new algorithm Hummingbird having been introduced recently, the way we now approach SEO has changed a little. It doesn’t mean that things have completely changed and all that hard work...

Saturday, 26 October 2013

LG G Pad 8.3 Unboxing

LG have recently released the LG G Pad 8.3. It will be available to US customers from November 3rd, and is already available for pre-order. Aaron from Phonedog did an unboxing with this tablet and...

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Google Glass Update XE 10

Google released their update for Glass a little more than a week ago and following the trend of other updates, named it XE10. This update is not as large as XE9, but does bring with it some interesting...